1. Economic interests vs. political interventions: the case of economic relations between mainland china and Taiwan
Author: Luo Qi
Library: State Department Library (Tehran)
Subject: Taiwan - Economic policy,Taiwan - Foreign economic relations - China,China - Foreign economic relations - Taiwan

2. Governments and markets in economic development strategies : lessons from Korea, Taiwan, and Japan
Author: M. Shahid Alam
Library: State Department Library (Tehran)
Subject: Industrial promotion - Korea (South),Industrial promotion - Taiwan,Industrial promotion - Japan,Export marketing - Korea (South),Export marketing - Taiwan,Export marketing - Japan,Korea (South) - Economic policy,Taiwan - Economic policy,Japan - Economic policy

3. Models of development : a comparative study of economic growth in South Korea and Taiwan
Author: edited by Lawrence J. Lau
Library: State Department Library (Tehran)
Subject: Korea (South) - Economic policy - 1960-,Taiwan - Economic policy - 1945-,Korea (South) - Economic conditions - 1960-,Taiwan - Economic conditions - 1945-
Classification :

4. Technology, economic security, state, and the political economy of economic networks :a historical and comparative research on the evolution of economic networks in Taiwan and Japan
Author: Huei-Huang Wang
Library: State Department Library (Tehran)
Subject: Business networks - Taiwan,Business networks - Japan,Taiwan - Economic policy - 1975-,Japan - Economic policy - 1989-,Taiwan - Commercial policy,Japan - Commercial policy

5. <The> Evolution of policy Behind Taiwan's Development success
Author: K.T.Li,Introductory essays by Gustar Ranis and Joh C.H.Fei
Library: Library of Faculty of Management of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Taiwan- Economic policy- 1945

6. The Newly industrializing economies of Asia : prospects of co-operation
Author: Manfred Kulessa (ed.)
Library: Library of the Faculty of Economics University of Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Korea (South)--economic policy--1980--congresses,Taiwan--economic policy--1975--congresses,Hong kong--economic policy--congresses,Asia, southeastern--economic policy--congresses,European economic community countries--foreign economic relations--congresses,Competition, international--congresses,International economic relations--congresses
Classification :

7. The Political economy of the new Asian industrialism
Author: edited by Frederic C. Deyo
Library: State Department Library (Tehran)
Subject: East Asia - Economic policy,Korea (South) - Economic policy,Taiwan - Economic policy,Singapore - Economic policy,Hong Kong - Economic policy
Classification :

8. The Taiwan sucess story
Author: / [by] S.W.Y. Kuo, Gustav Ranis, and John C.H. Fei,Kuo
Library: Central Library and Documents Center of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Taiwan -- Economic conditions -- 1945-,Taiwan -- Economic policy
Classification :

9. The foreign factor : the multinational corporation's contribution to the economic modernization of the Republic of China
Author: Chi Schive
Library: State Department Library (Tehran)
Subject: International business enterprises - Taiwan,Investments, Foreign - Taiwan,Technology transfer - Economic aspects - Taiwan,Taiwan - Economic conditions - 1945-,Taiwan - Economic policy - 1945-